Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It has been so long since my last post! I have been trying to leave the majority of the pics at the beginning of the blog because several schools handed out my fliers and the fliers refer people to view the blog to get an idea about the cottage. **Breath** But... I had to post a couple of pictures of Tinkerbell's bday party. My oldest 4 legged child is three! We had a big crowd, even though Auburn & Alabama were playing, and Tink had a lovely time. She would run to the door with her little pink fairy dress each time a guest would arrive. We had some fab yorkie cupcakes made by the ladies at Oaktree Bakery and we had some puppy chow made especially for people. Yum! Everyone is now asking about a party for Mazee's first bday. Maz does not usually enjoy the festivities like Tink does but... she seemed to have fun at Tink's and she even consented to wear a dress! Maz don't do clothes!!! So... we will see.

Next post - Leslie Bailey making a Lacey Cottage commercial - til then***