Monday, January 18, 2010

January has been such a busy month at the cottage. I was contacted by a minister who will begin next week having Sunday morning services here - what a great idea! I have had so many parties this month - mostly birthdays and most of them were surprises! I never get tired of the surprises!

You all remember my friend Holly. She had the family reunion for her uncle, who was suffering from cancer. She ended up in the hospital herself and missed the party but her sister took over and made it all happen. They are also the ones that left me the beautiful handsewn Christening dress for display at the cottage... Holly called last night and said that her uncle passed away and they would like to hold a service for him at the cottage. She said that her aunt said that they had enjoyed their time with family at the cottage so much that she wanted to gather together once again. I am so glad that they have those memories. Holly, I am so sorry for this loss, he was very blessed to have such a big loving family.

I will be posting some pics soon - we have done lots of new things that I need to show you! Until then...