Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We decided to make a commercial with Charter to make sure everyone in and around Montgomery knew about Lacey Cottage. Heather came out to view the cottage and talked to me a little about what type of people have their parties here. After deciding that WOMEN usually plan and execute gatherings of all types we decided to run on HGTV, Lifetime, BET, ABC Family and a couple of others. Of course, the day we planned to shoot, it poured rain all day and I really wanted some shots of the great wrap around deck as well as the playground! We rescheduled to a day where literally the sun shine was present for about 15 minutes BUT it worked out fine! The camera man, Nick, was so talented when it came to what parts of the cottage to shoot and how to show the coziness of the cottage, despite its 3000 sq ft of space. Heather was thrilled when I said I would like for Leslie Bailey to do the voice over because she knows Leslie and had her on the phone in minutes. Of course, Leslie had to see the cottage before she lent her voice to us to make sure that it was something she would be proud to be associated with. So, we set up an appt time. Leslie and Heather came back a few days later and we had so much fun going through the cottage looking at all of the unique finds displayed. Everyone knows Leslie around town and you know how much fun she is and how full of energy she is so I was thrilled when she said she would love to help with our little production. We all met back at Charter and put all of the shots together with the script and Leslie's voice. Then Nick allowed me to stay while he worked his magic and put it all together and added some music. The commercial turned out great and I hope by now you have all seen it on your favorite channel. This cottage has provided me with the opportunity to meet so many people and I am having sooo much fun! I hope I am still having parties here when I am old and gray!!!! (OK...oldER and grayER!!) Until next time...

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