Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sophie (Wei Ming Nuan) Peak came to live with her forever family in Dothan ten months ago. This little one has had severe health problems and has already had surgery since she has been in the U.S. If my friends Ricky and Sherri Peak (and their two boys) had not gone through months and months of paper work and a long trip to China to bring her here there is a good chance that Sophie would not have lived to be a teenager. God has blessed her with such a loving family but Ricky and Sherri will argue that and say that they are the ones that have been so blessed. They brought her to Montgomery recently and they came by to play at the cottage. Ms Sophie is speaking great English and is so full of energy!!! She was not as interested in the cottage or the jumping castle as she was the swing! That is her favorite past time. It was great seeing her and it did my heart good to see her recovering so well. She does still have a few hurtles though so keep my little China Doll in your prayers. You can follow Sophie's story at

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