Monday, June 8, 2009

Hey Everyone! I don't know why everybody is having so many problems leaving comments! I am getting lots of e-mails saying I tried to leave a comment and couldn't - I am just glad that you guys are visiting. I will add pics of the kid's side and the playground and also of the kitchen later this week - I wanted to mention that Tisha Woodham is going to teach dancing lessons at the cottage on Monday nights starting in September. They will have an adult tap class and of course, classes for kids.
I have lots and lots of parties booked for June and I already have people calling about Christmas parties!!! Two families have booked family reunions with me this summer - I have 2 different little girls turning 13 with disc jockeys and the whole nine yards in July! I ended up having 4 senior teas this year because we opened a month later than I had planned. Hopefully next year I will have dozens of them.
I wanted to mention that the cottage is located at 508 Coliseum Blvd. I had two clients visit the blog today after calling to get info after riding by and seeing my sign. Since the website is not ready it was perfect for them to check out the inside (although, just like a sunset, pics do not do it justice!!) :) I have a wonderful story to tell you all next time about a fabulous piece I bought for the cottage. Until then...

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