Monday, June 1, 2009

Lacey Cottage

This blog is against my better judgement...since I have no idea what I am doing. It is true though that many of my friends live a long way from here and are interested in what is going on in my little cottage. I will attempt (with much help) to add my pics and to keep you posted on the exciting things that happen over at Lacey Cottage.

First of all, Larry and I went to a party in Dothan about 10 years ago and we went to a friend's party at a vineyard... I came back from there saying "We really need a place like that in Montgomery!" My vision was a homey place that you could rent and bring friends in for baby showers, wedding receptions, children & adult birthday parties and so on - the big draw being that you could use your own caterer, prepare the food yourself or even have a cook-out right there. This keeps the cost way down and gives you OPTIONS!
We started looking for a place way back then but it had to be quaint! Not just something on the by-pass. We searched in Mulberry, Pike Rd, downtown Montgomery and 10 years later some friends of ours were closing their daycare in EASTBROOK!!! Eastbrook is quaint, as a matter of fact, Eastbrook is perfect!
We started reinventing the building and turning it into a cottage. It was about a four month project and every minute of it was thrilling! Not many people saw our "vision" early on but everyone was on board before we finished. Friends started helping and donating and shopping and getting the name out there and before we knew it we were having our first party.
I love being able to offer the cottage for the whole day and not trying to book 2 parties in one day. It gives people a chance to come early and decorate, then go home and get ready and come back all rested and ready. One lady told me that she had several friends from out of town attend a senior tea she had for her niece and that after the party she and her friends sat around my big table and talked and laughed for 2 hours before packing up and calling it a day. She said that was the best part of the party!
Hopefully, the cottage will bring lots of fun and joy to people in Montgomery and the opportunity to do something for someone without "breaking the bank!":)
I will get some pics on here and we are also getting a webpage soon - be patient with me!


  1. Yay! Welcome to the blog world. I will email you about pictures. I am at the beach and do not have the greatest phone service in the condo but will give you a call when I can

  2. Wow! Congrats and the pictures are so VERY pretty! We will help anyway we can. Love to you all, the Andrews
